With the start of a new year, comes the reminder to take care of business with regard to your 2021 OSHA Form 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illness and 300A Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illness forms.
For those who are required to maintain them, the Form 300 and 300A must be finished up as of December 31st, 2021. Remember to estimate additional time to be missed for any incidents or injuries that are outstanding from 2021 on the Form 300. You do not have to list the injury again in 2022, but you do have to account for the 2022 time that will be missed on the 2021 form.
The Form 300A will have to be posted in a conspicuous place where employee notices are generally posted—but only from February 1st through April 30th. Set a calendar reminder so you don’t forget to put it up, and another reminder to take it down—there IS a citation for that!
March 2nd, 2022 is the deadline for electronically reporting your calendar year 2021 OSHA Form 300A data at the OSHA Injury Tracking Application website. You can start as early as January 2nd and we recommend submitting sooner rather than later, so you don’t forget—there IS a citation for that!
Finally, take this time to refresh your records—OSHA Logs must be kept for five (5) full calendar years. So any logs you have from 2016 and older are no longer required by OSHA to be retained, and can be disposed of, with personal employee information taken into consideration.
Additional Helpful Information:
Each location that is in operation for 1 year or longer would have a 300 log and 300A summary: Click Here.
Only accidents that resulted in care beyond first aid or diagnosis would be recordable. What makes an accident recordable can be found here in the regulations: Click Here.